Sunday, March 4, 2018


As the dust settles from the hectic judicial events that recently unfolded in paradise, people are wondering what really happened?

Is this an attack on democracy? Was this a coup? Did someone bribe the Supreme Court? The answers are entangled in the love and hate triangle between former Presidents Maumoon, Nasheed and leader of Jumhooree Party, Qasim Ibrahim.

On 1st February 2018, SC of Maldives, released a ruling that rocketed the country into political turmoil. Facts that we know are, SC’s decision about 12 members of Parliament not losing their seats were already being deliberated in the bench and their decision whichever way is of no surprise. On the other hand, the out of the blue verdict to release 9 convicted criminals was quite a bombshell, no new evidence or incident has happened for SC to backtrack on their own previous decisions that the judicial process for completed trials of some of these criminals were free and fair. Anywhere else in this world it will definitely ring alarm bells, when a SC decides to announce a ruling on their own regarding selected powerful criminals without any formal due judicial process. The final absurdity for democracy is that the power of the Judicial Service Commission was annulled, which is unconstitutional. This destroys the check and balance system of separation of powers in a democracy.

Why the SC ruling looked like a mixed salad, drafted for the benefit of specific filthy rich powerful people, is a mystery. Even more suspicious is that the SC ruling coincided on a weekend and during night, which will definitely create maximum havoc within the government.

The scenario of MP’s losing their seat in Parliament, if they change parties is widely agreed upon by pro and opposition supporters. This is something that even Nasheed said is required to improve the democratic process in Maldives. Surely a good antidote to killing corruption within the Parliament. During Nasheed’s regime, opposition members changed party overnight becoming suddenly rich enough to purchase plots of land worth millions of dollars. Maldivian Democratic Party former chairperson, Ali Waheed is a good example of such a transfer from opposition political party Progressive Party of Maldives to MDP. When President Yameen came to power, his former Vice President Ahmed Adheeb was accused of continuing this precedent of Parliament corruption set by Nasheed. The most famous transfers are the recent transfer of 12 ruling party MP’s to opposition. The group have travelled abroad to Sri Lanka and then announced the deal.

List of criminals ordered by SC to be released includes people like Nasheed, who is a self-confessed convicted kidnapper of a serving judge and Adheeb, who is the mastermind behind the bomb assassination attempt on President Yameen and 1.2 billion Rufiyaa Maldives Marketing and Public Relations Corporation (MMPRC) corruption scandal.

What does Maumoon, Qasim and Nasheed gain from the SC verdict?

The power war between Maumoon and President Yameen within the ruling party is no secret. Maumoon wanted people loyal to him in key positions like the Prosecutor General & Speaker of Parliament. President Yameen did not yield to his elder brother’s pressure, thus creating a huge drift between the half-brothers. Another crucial factor is Maumoon’ son, Farish Maumoon, now being groomed for the presidential position. Farish can be seen as a stepping stone for Maumoon to grasp power again.

Qasim has been chasing the presidents seat for a long time now. After becoming one of the richest business tycoon in Maldives, his quest for more power has seen him indulge in politics. He has filled ministerial positions in all recent governments but the top position of president is a trophy he has not achieved. Problems facing Qasim when in politics is his commercial interests outweighs his public responsibilities as a politician. Critics joke that Qasim as Transport Minister signs deals for Villa Air, and on behalf of Villa Air signs as Qasim the Chairman. In all recent governments, he has flexed his financial influence to get tax exemptions, one way or the other. Currently he owes the state about USD200 million in unpaid tax money. A fraction of which could be easily paid to SC judges to carry out a ruling in his favour, so the balance becomes unpaid history. His intimacy with SC judges goes deeper, with his interest to remove the article in the constitution that stipulates people above 65 is not eligible to contest in the Presidential race. This can be very easily achieved through a SC under his payroll.

Nasheed is a self-confessed convicted kidnapper of a serving judge. Holds the record for most corrupt leader of Maldives according to Transparency International. The Washington Post listed Nasheed’s regime in its “Crackdowns of the decade” list, due to his violent crush of opposition protests. During his regime, Maldives succumbed into nearly total economic failure. However, Nasheed is a wild card, that is crucial in the quest to defeat Yameen, because of his wealthy powerful friends in the West. Nasheed’s party MDP was developed with the backing and help of Western powerful parties, and surly they will take care of their begotten child. Billionaires like Richard Branson, share Nasheed’s dream of full LGBT rights to Maldivians. Nasheed’s close adviser and best friend in UK, Benedict Rogers, is the East Asia Team Leader at the international human rights organization Christian Solidarity Worldwide (CSW), where he specialises in Burma, Indonesia, North Korea and Maldives. Their mission is religious freedom for all. Therefore, it is no wonder that Nasheed called on the Jesuits for help during a visit to Denmark. The molestation and rape of children by priests in America, over the past 15 years is estimated to result in more than USD3.3 billion of settlements to silent the victims. Hence, it is not a wild guess to say that the funds involved for an opportunity for a church in Maldives will be enormous. Nasheed gets freedom or a chance to be installed as President of Maldives by his Western financiers.

Agreeable common grounds between Qasim and Maumoon, is the opportunity of Farish becoming running mate of Qasim. Where does Nasheed fit in this love embrace between Qasim and Maumoon? The answer maybe, an unlimited supply of funds and backing from the Western countries rooting for Nasheed. Will Nasheed agree for Qasim and Maumoon to be on top position? In this power struggle who will come first? Whatever the answers might be, it is definitely a very volatile threesome political love affair.

So far President Yameen has been able to hold on to power from a well-organized and orchestrated wave of attacks to topple him.

What climax will the three mighty opponents reach in their lust for power?

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