Thursday, April 27, 2017


Written by: Ali Assad

Dr. Afrasheem Ali was controversially one of the most prominent Muslim scholars in recent history of Maldives.

His fascinating style of revealing Islam through argumentative answers lured a huge fan base, while creating an ever-growing number of hardliners hell-bent in staining his credibility and even disowning him as a Muslim.

The way Dr. Afrasheem portrayed his religious answers using critical thinking; the Quran, Sunnah of Prophet Mohamed (PBUH) and analyzing the views of major imams/scholars of Islam was astoundingly beautiful. His stunning explanations untangles many misconceptions, misunderstandings and also closes the doors to extreme thinking in the religion of Islam.

Difference between Dr. Afrasheem and existing Islamic scholars in Maldives was that his answers were not limited to a black and white line between halal and haram. His explanations dived deeper into the turbulent differential opinions of the leading Islamic scholars in debatable topics of Islam. Based on these views, the predominant view that is most harmonious with the Quran and authentic Sunnah of the prophet is presented to his audience captivated in awe to decide.

To some, he was an oasis to quest their thirst and enthusiasm for religious knowledge.

On 2 October 2012, Maldives woke up to the shocking sad news of the brutal and violent murder of Dr. Afrasheem. He was hacked to death by multiple attacks on the head and upper torso using a machete. In the record books his name will be written in blood as the first Member of Parliament to be killed in Maldives. He represented Raa Atoll Ungoofaru Constituency, in the 17th sitting of the Maldives Parliament.

The Burial service of one of the bravest Muslim scholars of Maldives was seen by Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) and Adhaalath Party (AP) - as the opening ceremony of the blame game.

As soon as the dust settled on the grave of Dr. Afrasheem, supreme leader of MDP and former president of Maldives, Mr. Mohamed Nasheed was quick to declare that the killers have already left the country and were residing in a Middle Eastern country and that they were affiliated to the extremist elements of AP.

Sheikh Imran Abdullah the leader of AP squashed such assaults claiming MDP and Nasheed were the harshest critic of Dr. Afrasheem and thus, didn’t have any room to loosen the noose of suspicion around their necks.

How Nasheed was able to prophecies such valuable information must be considered the 8th Wonder of the world, considering the fact that the investigation of the murder of Dr. Afrasheem was carried by Maldives Police Service with close collaboration with the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) of United States.

At that time, the president in office was Dr. Mohamed Waheed Hassan Manik and his government launched the largest most intensive investigation with the highest manpower in the history of Maldives. They were vigorously looking for the perpetrators and promised to let no stone unturned in apprehending the slaughterers.

Why MDP and AP tipped the scale as prime suspects for foul play in the homicide of Dr. Afrasheem is well known by most Maldivians.

Initially it was AP members or sheikhs closely associated with AP that denounced Dr. Afrasheem as a true Muslim scholar. They went as far as nicknaming him “Ibileese”, which in English means devil.

The way Dr. Afrasheem answered religious questions was new and alien to the existing old religious scholars.

During Friday prayers, he was once verbally abused and physically assaulted while his young scared son stood crying by his side.

MDP came into a head-on collision with Dr. Afrasheem, as soon as he walked into politics.

Dr. Afrasheem became the most vehement critic of MDP and he was very outspoken about it. He even called for the investigation of Mr. Nasheed over accusation of drinking Sula Shiraz, while on a state visit to India. Drinking alcohol is haram in Islam.

When Dr. Afrasheem was appointed Vice President of Judicial Service Commission (JSC), Ms. Velezinee (Nasheed’s appointed president’s member) was accused of allegedly pushing a pencil inside her private parts and shoving it towards Dr. Afrasheem’s face. A strong MDP parliament then removed him from JSC claiming that he was destroying the judiciary.

Used engine oil referred to as “kalhu theyo” by Maldivians was thrown at his car by MDP demonstrators and his car window was also smashed in another attack by MDP demonstrators.

During live programs by Dr. Afrasheem on TV channels such as DhiTV, MDP supporters gathered outside the station protesting against him.

Rajje TV, a pro-MDP channel funded by MDP elite ran the most hostile anti Dr. Afrasheem reports and programs.

After the disputed resignation aka “coup”, Nasheed’s increased the tempo of attacks against his arch-enemy. The feeling was mutual as Dr. Afrasheem revealed that while in JSC, Nasheed ordered him to cooperate to remove Judge Abdullah Mohamed from office.

The battle progressed with attacks by Dr. Afrasheem for Nasheed’s support of Ms. Navi Pillay’s (United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights from 2008 to 2014), to her contradictory speech against Islamic Sharia and values. Verbal aggression amplified to such extents as Dr. Afraheem suggesting that Nasheed might have gone outside the boundaries of being a Muslim for his speeches against Islamic law.

Nasheed was summoned to court for his role in the kidnapping of Judge Abdullah Mohamed, and subsequently during a MDP rally in GDh. Fares Maathodaa, he got the last chance to strike the final blow in a speech reiterating his claim that it was Dr. Afrasheem who ruined the judiciary while in JSC.

Soon afterwards Dr. Afrasheem was neutralized.

Police apprehended the killer in the early stages of the investigation and identified as Mr. Hussein Humam of H. Lobby. While in police custody Humam confessed to the crime. According to Humam’s confession, he had an accomplice and a lookout placed outside Dr. Afrasheem house. The alleged accomplish and lookout were apprehended. Furthermore, two hardcore MDP activists were implicated from his story and also the high-ranking son in law of then Vice President of MDP, were arrested. Another person who acted as an agent to broker the deal was also arrested.

Even Humam later confessed in front of the judge and also asked forgiveness from Dr. Afrasheem’s family.

According to Humam, 4 million Maldivian Rufiya was proposed as the contract price to kill Dr. Afrasheem by Jaa, the son in law of MDP Vice President.

It was a planned attack and the police were unable to find enough hard evidence to convict the other arrested alleged suspects in a court of law.

Unfortunately for Humam, blood on his clothes linked him directly to Dr. Afrasheem’s murder, plus his initial confessions to police and in front of the judge was enough to guarantee a conviction.

It was much later that Mr. Abdulla Yameen Abdul Gayoom was introduced into the scene as a scapegoat by a fierce opponent. The competitive battle for the presidential ticket of 2013 from Progressive Party of Maldives (PPM), contended by Mr. Yameen and Mr. Umar Naseer, became the center stage used by Umar to hint that his challenger was somehow involved in the death.

Later Umar apologized and retracted his comments explaining it was purely for political purposes as a last-ditch effort to beat his powerful opponent.

Damage was done; accusation was enough fuel for political rivals to produce flimsy stories and unjustifiable tales to implicate Yameen.

Adding fuel to the fire, Mr. Mohamed Jameel Ahmed, who was at that time the Home Minister of Dr. Waheed’s cabinet, stated that Maldivians will be surprised if they knew who was behind the attacks. The reaction from Dr. Afrasheem’s family was unanticipated by Jameel and he was quickly forced to shamefully admit that it was just political rhetoric and apologized to the family.

These remarks provided enough breathing space for MDP and AP on whose doormat laid the bloody wreaths of suspicion. MDP propaganda machines started rolling slowly and it was in full gear by the time Yameen became president.

The final and most lethal attack was from the former Commissioner of Police Abdullah Riyaz, under whose close supervision the whole investigation was carried out. His cunning and devious statement to the effect that he will reveal the truth when the time is right was enough, to sow the seed of doubt even in diehard president Yameen’s supporters.

However, when the final verdict of the Supreme Court delivered the death sentence to Mr. Humam, unbearable pressure pressed down on Riyaz to reveal the truth.

Opposition and especially MDP supporters played the drum roll to a crescendo and when the curtain opened to the truth, it was just a ‘pop’- the soap bubble of false hope for the opposition burst into nothing.

Riyaz reluctantly admitted that president Yameen had no implication in the murder of Dr. Afrasheem.

Why any of these allegations failed to permanently dent the president’s reputation was the simple fact that the opposition could not come up with any concrete motive for their case.

Allegations such as that it was because Dr. Afrasheem had higher political ambitions does not carry any weight because even when he was given the opportunity of Deputy Leader of Z faction of DRP he said “let me be as I am”.

Another reason was that initially MDP painted a picture that the murder was by religious extremists who had gained a foothold after overthrowing Nasheed’s government. The murder was also used by Nasheed to justify and sell his version of religious extremism in Maldives.

Even though all the suspects apprehended were from MDP and the suspicious fact that Mr. Humam’s lawyer is a founder member of MDP, the highest step in the ladder of suspects, was the son in law of MDP chairperson and went no further. There is no concrete evidence that it was orchestrated by Nasheed.

From the information unearthed, the likelihood is that this was just a politically motivated revenge killing for maligning their political camp by a lone group of individuals who acted alone with no affiliation to their political party.

We may never know the real reasons why Dr. Afrasheem was killed, a wife widowed and his children orphaned or all the killers involved might never be caught and their ugly secrets might stay hidden in Dr. Afrasheem’s grave forever.

But what is most disturbing is that, Dr. Afrasheem is being politically stabbed in his grave not only by his enemies but also by his so called “friends”.

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Written by: Ali Assad

Is President Nasheed a friend or foe of Israel?

Let’s dive in and see the famous Island President for what he truly believes in based on facts and facts only.

Maldives and Israel first established diplomatic relations in 1965, the year in which Maldives gained independence and joined United Nations. Many countries were opposed to such a small nation joining the UN and it is widely believed that Maldives made a symbiotic diplomatic deal with Israel for acceptance in the UN. Israel was the third state to recognize the Muslim island nation and its ambassador was the first to present his credentials.

However, after the Arab-Israel war of 1973, Maldives suspended diplomatic relations with Israel in 1974.

Following Israel's recognition of and entering into negotiations with the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), their relationship with Maldives can be best described as unofficially cordial-at the best of times, from around 1993 onward.

After 35 years’ ties improved again; the 2008 government of Mohamed Nasheed started maintaining a healthy relationship of appreciation and friendship with Israel.

In 2009, diplomatic ties with Israel were established again and in May 2011, the Maldives’ then-foreign minister, Kerefa Ahmed Naseem (Nasheed’s uncle), became the nation’s first top official to visit Israel. During his four-day stay he met with President Shimon Peres and then-foreign minister Avigdor Liberman, laid a wreath at Yad Vashem and visited other sites throughout Israel.

During Nasheed’s short term in office, the two states signed three agreements in the fields of health, tourism and education.

A delegation of eye doctors from the Israeli humanitarian aid organization Eye from Zion visited the Maldives and performed eye operations. Israeli tourists were now able to visit the Maldives without a visa. Nasheed even tried to facilitate direct transfer of Israeli flights to Maldives which were halted largely due to opposition from the general public, who had negative sentiments towards an unexpectedly hurried, suspiciously over friendly relation with Israel, while the Palestine situation was deteriorating.

Nasheed’s friendship with Israel became so strong that he betrayed Palestinians in the UNESCO vote to admit Palestine. It was rumored by Maldivian opposition that USD900 million payment was agreed with Nasheed for the vote sale and subsequent unconditional support of Israel.

All this changed, when pro-Israel stance Nasheed was replaced by Dr. Mohamed Waheed Hassan Manik in 2012. An independent inquiry commission report into the resignation of Nasheed rejected the allegations of coup.

In stark contrast to Nasheed’s uncle Kerefa Naseem’s visit to Israel, President Mohammed Waheed Hassan’s four-day visit included trips to Bethlehem, Hebron and Ramallah, where he met with Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas and laid a wreath at the grave of late Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat. He skipped visiting Israel altogether.

To the present day, the atmosphere remains as nothing more than “plain diplomatic relations”.

So why did President Nasheed call for Jihad against Israel?

The answer lies in the 2014 Gaza war, also known as Operation Protective Edge and local Maldivian sentiments of a 100% Muslim nation.

The predominant view or belief in Maldives is that Israel must lift the siege in Gaza and accept a two-state solution. The versions that Israel is “defending” itself against stone throwing Palestinians using state of the art sophisticated military weapons is not digested well locally within Maldivians.

To please the masses, Nasheed’s first tweet on 9 July 2014 condemned Israel - “I call on Israel to cease hostilities in Gaza. Both sides must work for peace, a two-state solution & credible Palestinian state”.

Maybe due to backlash from Western friends and the United States, the tone in Nasheed tweet changed the very next day. It was very diplomatic and balanced, denouncing violence from both sides - “All human rights defenders must raise their voice against the indiscriminate killings in Gaza.”

From the experience of the first tweet on the subject, a far more enlightened Nasheed was clever to use the Maldivian language Dhivehi as a smoke screen to fool internationally the Israelis and the West, while generating support from the local masses. The same day the tweet in Dhivehi was a far cry to the one in English.

Translation of Nasheed’s second tweet on the same day on 10 July 2014: “I request the people of Maldives to raise their voice against Israel, for the crimes against humanity conducted by Israel in Gaza.”

As the war progressed and the calls for peace reverberated, so did the ferocity of Nasheed’s local rants and tweets conducted safely in Dhivehi, even calling on the Maldivian National Defence Force to wage war against Israel. With the new-found courage in the protection of the language barrier camouflage, his tweets climaxed by calling his political party Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) members for Jihad against Israel.

Translation of Nasheed's tweet on 13 July 2014: “In 1943, 12 Maldivians went to defend Ceylon. Today there is no reason why an MNDF squad should not be sent to Gaza. MDP is ready to go.”

Translation of Nasheed's next tweet on the subject on 17 July 2014: “The current (President Yameen’s) government cannot care for Gaza. I request for volunteers from MDP, who must be the first to recruit “Human Shields” and arrange to send to Gaza.”

The so-called friend of Israel even rallied to boycott Israeli goods and stop Israeli tourists visiting Maldives.

Translation of the final tweet on the subject on 29 July 2014: “The current (President Yameen’s) government has lied to its people, saying that they have stopped trade with Israel. Israeli tourists are coming to Maldives.”

Clearly Nasheed is neither a friend or foe of Israel and even though he looks beautiful in his democracy makeup, he is nothing more than just a political prostitute.

A Westerner new in Maldivian politics might get deceived by Nasheed’s web of lies that Islamist radical elements within President Yameen’s government is waging war against Israel and the West. The reality is that the so called “radical Islamists party” claimed by Nasheed, the Adhaalath Party came to power in coalition with Nasheed in 2008. And what’s more, they are currently in a coalition with Nasheed to topple Yameen off his office.

President Nasheed is a vulture disguised as a white dove, circling the political arena, scavenging for wealth and power.

Friday, April 7, 2017

Why is still US Foreign Policy DICTATED by a celebrity?

Amal Alamuddin Clooney has been twirling her fingers around US foreign policy in Maldives.

Like most human rights activists’ wildest dreams, Amal’s resume reads working for the UN, defending ambassadors and heads of states.

The term “human rights lawyer” is sometimes misunderstood by the general public to mean an “angel.” Her list of clients whose human rights violations make it clear that she is their defense lawyer, not prosecutor. Questionable characters like the King of Bahrain, Abdullah al Senussi and Mohamed Nasheed, shadows her illusion of an innocent image.

She served as Bahraini King Hasan bin Isa al Khalifa’s legal advisor. Yet in this context, Alamuddin worked not on behalf of the violated but the violator, advising the King on human rights, presumably in order to absolve him of as much responsibility as possible, as any good defense lawyer does. Bahraini security services are accused of crushing the 2011 Bahraini protesters using excessive force, killing many civilians, and wounding and jailing thousands. The Bassiouni Commission itself found that people had been tortured to death in police custody.

Abdullah al Senussi, another one of Clooney’s clients, served as Muammar Gaddafi’s intelligence chief and was captured in Libya in 2011. The International Criminal Court charged him with crimes against humanity in 2011 for his role in Gaddafi’s brutal government as well as the Lockerbie bombing.

In Maldives, she chose to defend the democracy advocate turned dictator President Mohamed Nasheed. Notorious for his human rights violations. Literary speaking Nasheed’s 3 years’ reign of atrocities is far worse than the 30-year authoritarian rule of President Maumoon Abdul Gayyoom. Corruption, suppression of press, arbitrary arrests, arbitrary detention, kidnapping and crackdown on protesters peaked during Nasheed’s regime. Not to mention his coalition partner Adhaalath Party or more popularly known as the Islamist Party. During Nasheed’s Presidency they were given the Islamic Affairs Ministry and a say within the Education Ministry! The radical indoctrination that went to schools and mosques were the same! From a fatwa by Islamic Ministry, one cannot hold any party or concert in Male’ during Nasheed’s tenure! The result was very obvious, radicalization of the youth in the Maldives. The current administration had to deal with the consequences of his blunder. And who is putting the blame on the current government of radicalization of the youth? Non-other than Ms. Clooney. What a travesty!

Amal stepped into the limelight when she became involved with superstar actor and famous bachelor George Clooney. The couple was married in Venice, Italy, in September 2014 and shortly thereafter moved to a multimillion dollar estate built on a small island in the Thames in London

What makes a great Human Rights activists? Wearing a £925 red Dolce & Gabbana dress, a £625 Jimmy Choo bag on the hand and huge sunglasses worth more than the annual income of a poor family.

The UN’s Geneva-based Human Rights Council announced that Amal would serve on a three-member commission of inquiry looking into possible violations of the rules of war during the Israeli offensive against Hamas. But hours later Clooney’s Hollywood agent, issued a statement on Amal’s behalf saying she had declined the post because she was too busy.

Amal Clooney looked as though she was strolling on the Red Carpet of a Hollywood event rather than on her way to meet a jailed convict Nasheed, when she arrived in Maldives. Maldivian government allowed and bend rules for Amal to visit Nasheed, though foreign lawyers have to be registered in Maldives to advocate. She didn’t had the decency to even acknowledge the security and usual Maldivian hospitality that was extended to her, instead, she accused that Nasheed’s conversations were ‘tapped’ in his prison, that was the best she could come up with. She failed to share that Nasheed was kept in a 2-bedroom apartment with his own garden, 20 meters away from the beach!

Of course, there are plenty of clever lawyers out there, many with considerably more impressive human rights records than Amal Clooney, but they are not married to a Hollywood heart-throb called George Clooney, hence, the fees she commands on such work is in millions.

The only reason Amal gets high-profile cases is because of the publicity to their case, as she is married to George Clooney. It is nothing more than an advertising gimmick. Lets not talk about the undisclosed ‘fee’ Ms. Clooney received from Nasheed for her work.

Therefore, it is high time that people like the US Ambassador to Maldives, Atul Keshap to stop releasing Hollywood style stories fed by a celebrity. The time has come to premier a balanced report based on actual facts on the ground rather than releasing fiction. One can understand why US Ambassador to Maldives wants to take snaps with Amal Alamuddin Clooney. But I wonder how the new US President Trump would see it. President Trump came on a platform to free US foreign policies from these celebrities endorsed views. President Trump wants to remove the lobbyists dictating US foreign policies. But the sad reality is that some are still stuck with their old habits.

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

F funn “FIHKAN”

Written by: Ali Assad

What does the title mean? Nothing. Absolutely and utterly nonsense, just like the ridiculous propaganda spread by President Nasheed’s loyalists regarding the investments in Faafu atoll. Is it a spelling mistake? Definitely not, and done deliberately in search of attention, just like MDP that is fooling the Maldivians with false information and lies regarding Faafu Atoll mega projects. Was the writer trying to use a “V” instead of the “F” in “Fihkan”, which would mean selling in Dhivehi. The answer is NO, the title is just a symbol that signifies the ridiculous theories of the opposition.

On a more serious note, is President Yameen selling Maldives to Saudi Arabia?

The real facts are that under the amendments to the constitution; for bid specific projects approved by the government of an investment that exceeds USD 1 Billion, 70 percent of land has to be reclaimed to be awarded freehold ownership rights, to a quantity of land that does not exceed 10 percent of total Maldivian land at any given time.

Maldivian law and constitution will always apply, whether given on lease for 99 years or awarded on freehold ownership rights.

Maldives is 99 percent sea. Is President Yameen selling the remaining 1 percent?

The answer is a big NO. What is happening in these mega billion dollar projects is that 70 percent of land has to be created to get freehold rights. The amount of land that can be awarded at any given time will be less than 10 percent of this “1 percent” of total land mass of Maldives.

President Yameen is talking about a 10 billion dollars’ project, that in monetary terms is enough money to double the already existing Maldivian land.

The amendment to the constitution was passed with opposition MDP’s support. Then why all the fuss NOW, when a Muslim leader proposes to invest? Is it because it will almost end Western Influence on Maldives? Is it because Saudi Arabia is a 100 percent Muslim nation? Is it because MDP leadership is influenced by Christians missionaries that contradicts the Islamic status of Maldives? Why is MDP not talking about Iheaven project?

Whatever the answer, ten billion dollars means more development to Maldives than the total development of the past century.

Does Saudi Arabia have any vested interest in Maldives? Saudi Arabia neither have any conflicts or strategic geographic interest in the region. Unlike other countries Saudi Arabia is the only 100% Muslim nation in the world other than Maldives. Similar to Maldives, Saudi Arabia is a Sunni Muslim nation. The only interest Saudi Arabia has is protecting its twin smaller Muslim brother.

Is TEN BILLION DOLLARS almost equal to the recent past’s 10 YEARS total Maldives’ budget? Why not find out for yourself.

Then why is the opposition, especially President Nasheed, so exaggeratedly, and quite melodramatically vexed about Saudi Arabia? Is it because President Nasheed is losing hope by the growing bilateral ties of Maldives-Saudi Arabia, to accomplish the one and only precondition for him to come back to power, that is allowing Christianity in Maldives?

The answer might not be limited to one reason, but definitely it is also because that a ten-billion-dollar project is a sure sign that the incumbent President Yameen will win the 2018 presidential race. Insha Allah.

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

WHO sold Maldives?

Selling Maldives for personal gain, whether for wealth and power or for any other reason, is sadly something our generation has witnessed.

In 1988, there was an attempt by a group of Maldivians masterminded by Sikka Ahmed Ismail Maniku (former President Nasheed’s in-law) to seize Maldives with 80 armed mercenaries of a Tamil secessionist organisation from Sri Lanka. It is believed that Sikka Ahmed agreed to provide the People's Liberation Organisation of Tamil Eelam (PLOTE) a support base in Maldives to help their cause in Sri Lanka. Maldives sold to gain power.

President Nasheed became the first person in Maldivian history to call for a boycott of Maldives tourism industry, stop the aid received by Maldives and even place sanctions on Maldives. During the devastating Indian Ocean tsunami in 2004, Nasheed and Friends Of Maldives (FOM) tried to stop the Tsunami Aid to Maldives, claiming all the aid was going to Maumoon’s personal benefits. To further pressure Maumoon and hence, expedite democratic reform to Maldives, strong boycotting campaigns of Maldivian tourism industry were done. As a favourite tool of Nasheed, to pressure government by crippling the economy, these boycotting campaigns were carried out during Dr. Waheed’s presidency and even during incumbent President Yameen’s term. In addition, to further destroy the booming economy and pressure President Yameen, Nasheed campaigned hard in the international community to impose sanctions on Maldives. These strategies were believed to be formulated by FOM members, a few elements in the UK Conservative Party like Sir Hugo Swire and in association with Christian Solidarity Worldwide. Maldives’ economy sold to gain power and personal benefits.

The climax of the calls for democratic reform and the boycotting campaign of tourism industry was the first terrorist bomb blast in Maldives on 29 September 2007. The virgin peaceful tranquility of Maldives was shattered. Other few incidents also include the religious extremist issues encountered in Alif Alif Atoll Himandhoo and the violent police confrontations that followed. However, during Maumoon’s era, there was strict controls on the spread of religious extremism. With democracy things changed, and Nasheed boasts publicly that he had given religious freedom to the sheikhs (Islamic scholars). The Side effects of the shortcomings of a Western imported democracy was evident during President Nasheed short term in office, that showcased an increase in extremist activity. When he visited Himandhoo, he addressed the crowd in Dhivehi saying there is no extremism in Himandhoo but in English when he faces foreign media, Maldives is full of fundamentalists and terrorists backing the old regime. Maldivian name, religious unity, peace and stability sold in the name of democracy.

As reported by Aditi Phadnis in Business Standard on 27 December 2008, "The Maldives has many anxieties, Nasheed told reporters over a glass of Sula Shiraz, and physical security is just one of them. One of his aides suggested reporters investigate more thoroughly the route taken by the Mumbai bombers — it is not inconceivable that one of them might have used Maldives as a staging post at some point. Two islands in the Maldives are virtually in control of the “mullahs”, although Nasheed said many of the mullahs were also in the coalition government, and are obliged to be restrained. Nasheed is one of the few democratically elected leaders in South Asia, who wishes the Opposition was more active — the fact is, he confessed, there is very little opposition in the Maldives which is a political danger for it leaves the field free for Islamic militants to occupy that space. Nasheed has a lot of ideas to develop his country. Tackling Islamic fundamentalism is going to be his biggest challenge”. (From the quoted article, some sentences discussing other topics removed. To view full article please visit Business Standard site). Even if President Nasheed has an alcohol addiction, as a Muslim president why he should be drinking while representing Maldives is highly questionable. Of course, Maldives have faced problems of religious extremism and terrorism but to overrate it and make false baseless allegations that Maldivians are involved in terrorist bombings in India or elsewhere, just to please Western “friends”, for political fame and grab headlines is irresponsible. Maldives’ name and pride sold for personal satisfaction and political fame.

On 10 November 2008, President Nasheed announced an intent to create a sovereign wealth fund with money earned from tourism that could be used to purchase land elsewhere for the Maldives people to relocate, when according to Nasheed it submerges underwater within 20 years and Australia was considered as a resettlement location. It is hard to believe that heartfelt good intentions were behind this, as Nasheed was, at the same period, calling on investors to consider Maldives as a good investment opportunity. Anyone not under the influence of drugs will understand the feasibility of a 30, 50 or a 99-year investment going underwater in 20 years. Nasheed was renowned to do almost anything for a media headline. Destroying Maldivian’s investment opportunities to portray himself as an environmental hero. Maldives’ economy sold for a photo opportunity.

President Nasheed relentlessly tried to sell alcohol in inhabited island of Maldives. The pictures and drawings released as a theme for the 17th SAARC summit prominently and openly depicted Christianity. The drawings were prepared by Nasheed's government with the blessing and approval of the cabinet. The true purpose of putting up these drawings in Male' and elsewhere across the country is questionable considering that the proportion of Christianity is not among either the first, second or third religion of SAARC nations. Nasheed's government erected numerous idols in Addu atoll for the SAARC summit. Why were idols and monuments that contradict the principles of Islam brought from all SAARC countries? Suspiciously unlike the other monuments, the idols were put up at the last minute; in the early hours of the morning and were concealed with cloth. Nasheed said he “only heard of the idols after one was destroyed”, but photographs from media clearly show Nasheed watching and applauding while the idols were inaugurated. Maldives’ religion and culture sold to please members of Friends of Maldives and Christian Solidarity Worldwide financiers.

Palestine was a good opportunity to show Nasheed’s Western supporters that he was their best choice. Nearly all Maldivians believe that Palestine is the victim of an occupying force - Israel. The concept of calling Israel “defending itself” with highly sophisticated state of the art military weapons against stone throwing Palestinians is not digestible locally. Majority of Maldivians preferred a two-state solution and an end to the siege and apartheid rule. However, President Nasheed established relations with Israel less than ten days after the UN representative decided they had committed war crimes against the Palestinian people. Nasheed's administration did not criticize Israel in an official capacity but when addressing MDP members in Dhivehi, statements to that effect were made to entertain the crowd. According to WikiLeaks and Israeli newspapers, Nasheed tried to insert stories about Israel, the Jews and the version of Israeli history that Israel wanted, into the Maldivian education system. Israeli government supported Nasheed's government by sending different teams of doctors and agriculturists to Maldives. Nasheed even tried to authorize Israeli flights to land in Maldives, a move which could create a magnet for extremist elements to enter the peaceful Maldives for terrorism activities, in a country highly dependent on tourism. During President Nasir’s time, Nasheed's current foreign minister and uncle 'Kerafa' Naseem had voted on behalf of Maldives at the UN to recognise Israel as an independent nation, an action which was contrary to the view of the government at that time. The most deplorable action of Nasheed’s government was fleeing from the 36th UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) vote to give Palestinians full membership on 31st October 2011. Opposition alleged that Israel agreed to pay Nasheed USD900 million during his term in office for supporting Israeli cause and specially to sell the vote. Maldives’s vote sold for money and unconditional support from the super power United States.

During Nasheed’s presidency, most of the profitable government shareholding company shares were sold, most notably Dhiraagu and MWSC. The highly controversial sale of the most profitable government asset, the Maldives’ International Airport received harsh criticism and protests were organized from the opposition. Leasing the airport to GMR for management purposes with 51% government control would have been an acceptable deal. But leasing it on a one-sided deal that benefited GMR immensely was insane. Not only was Maldives airport the most profitable asset to the government, during GMR’s operation of Maldives airport it cashed in more profit than any other airport under GMR’s ownership. An example of the absurdity of the agreement is that only 1% of profit from the sale of oil was to be given to the government. GMR did not have to invest any money in the development of the airport but government tried to allow GMR to tax the passengers to create necessary funds. In addition, sovereign guarantee was given by the Maldivian government for the loans taken by GMR. Nasheed claimed that the Maldivian International Airport built by Maldivians was a “bucket airport” – justifying the title claiming that airport roofs were leaking and buckets need to be placed under the leaks. After the hurried deal, Parliament Members were seen signing to MDP. Most highly publicized cases include PPM MP Ali Waheed and PPM MP Abdulla Abdul Raheem. After MP Ali Waheed’s transfer to MDP, not only did Ali Waheed and his wife purchased plots of land worth millions, his mother also purchased a plot of land in Male worth millions. Maldives’ International Airport - the main gateway for development sold to generate cash to run a political party and purchase Parliament Members.

After Nasheed lost power, he travelled a lot to Western countries to bolster support and finance for his cause. During such visits, his speech in Denmark sparked controversy in Maldives. While Maldivian media was obsessed with “alternative narrative” and “helpline”, MDP claimed that Nasheed speech was twisted and misinterpreted for political gain. What the local media failed to notice but something which clearly cornered Nasheed was his statement “I believe that with proper democracy in the Maldives we can play a very important role as a counter to the reformation, or rather the Jesuits have to come up quickly.” In the age of the internet it takes anybody a couple of minutes to find what “Counter Reformation” means and all the meanings for “Jesuits”. Nasheed was a reformist and there was no way his supporters can proclaim that he was talking about “countering reform”. Opposition and media did not challenge Nasheed’s loyalist to use whatever meaning they prefer for “proper democracy”, “Counter Reformation” and “Jesuits” but to make sense out of the statement and translate so that it does not mean he was calling on the Jesuits against Maldivians. Maldives’ religion sold to crusaders to gain support and finance.

Is President Yameen selling Maldives to Saudi Arabia? Opposition is running extensive social media campaigns claiming that. The real facts are that under the amendments to the constitution; for specific projects approved by the government of an investment that exceeds USD 1 Billion, 70 percent of land has to be reclaimed to be awarded freehold ownership rights, to a quantity of land that does not exceed 10 percent of total Maldivian land at any given time. Maldivian law and constitution will always apply. Even the amendment to the constitution was passed with opposition support. Does Saudi Arabia have any vested interest in Maldives? Unlike other countries Saudi Arabia is the only 100% Muslim nation in the world other than Maldives. Similar to Maldives, Saudi Arabia is a Sunni Muslim nation. Maldives is of no strategic importance to Saudi Arabia other than protecting its twin small Muslim brother. Why is the opposition especially President Nasheed so overly worried? Is it because that stronger ties with a Muslim nation will extinguish any hopes that Nasheed has created with his Christian partners and limit influence from his friends in foreign countries. Is it because his “friends” are helping him on the precondition that Christianity can be practiced in Maldives. So, the Saudi investments and stronger ties with Saudi Arabia, will create huge problems for Nasheed. The irony is that without knowingly and under the cover of politics Nasheed is using good Muslim citizens of Maldives to promote his agenda. The investment that President Yameen is going to bring is NOT just 1 Billion but a staggering TEN BILLION DOLLARS. Definitely, without doubt it would mean development to Maldives that exceeds all the development of the past century. A sure sign that incumbent President Yameen will win the 2018 presidential race.

Selling or developing Maldives?

For a full understanding of the issue please read our next article "F funn "FIHKAN"  #SaveFaafu

Sunday, March 5, 2017

Selling or Developing Maldives?

Written by Mohamed Abdullah

The role of UK Conservative Party influence on Maldives politics and development efforts has to be recognized and appreciated.

Conservative Party activist David Hardingham is a British-based reform activist, missionary, aid organiser and entrepreneur who studied at Dauntsey's School in UK with President Nasheed. He was founder of the human rights activist organisation Friends of Maldives (FOM), also the co-founder of Minivan Radio and trustee of the UK registered charity Maldives Aid. He was appointed the Honorary Consul for the Maldives in Salisbury (UK) on 2 July 2009 by President Nasheed.

Hardingham was also the UK crossing coordinator and liaison during Guin Batten’s successful rowing across the Zero Degree Channel on 30 March 2010 between Huvadhoo Atoll and Foammulah Island.

One of the development goals of President Nasheed, that was fiercely opposed by the locals was Nasheed government’s drive and ambition to sell alcohol in inhabited islands of the country. The regulations needed for this were formulated and published in the government gazette. However due to local opposition Nasheed was temporarily forced to stop. During President Maumoon’s era Nasheed’s father-in-law’s Hotel Alia was stopped from selling Alcohol to foreigners, when Maumoon brought changes to the law regarding sale of Alcohol in inhabited islands. Sad memories of a determined relentless leader drove Nasheed's government to declare places or areas as uninhabited islands within inhabited islands, and thus paved the way to sell alcohol in these locations. Even this was not accepted and opposed by the majority of the local population.

As boasted by Hardingham the solution was provided by him - promote guesthouse tourism in the Maldives. According to professional FOM consultants this will provide a backdoor to achieve this goal. Consultants forecasted that within less than 25 years Maldivians will start to demand their government to allow them to sell alcohol in inhabited islands as a means to further promote guesthouse tourism.

FOM was also in the forefront of boycotting Maldives Tsunami Aid and tourism, to pressure Maumoon, later when Dr. Waheed was sworn as president and still is, even during President Yameens’s term. Hardingham explains that only Maumoon was going to benefit from Tsunami Aid and they had only conducted selected boycotting of resorts supporting the governments and that this will not harm the economy.

Another human rights activist, writer and Conservative candidate, Benedict Rogers turned out to be a true friend of Presidents Nasheed. Ben is the East Asia Team's Leader at the international human rights organisation Christian Solidarity Worldwide (CSW), where he oversees the organisation’s work in the region. Christian Solidarity Worldwide mission is working for religious freedom through advocacy and human rights, in the pursuit of justice. On 1 November 1999, CSW’s 19 missionaries were deported by Maumoon for alleged missionary work. Hardingham was also alleged to be deported during this time but unable to verify the claim. According to a CSW statement “After the arrests, President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom accused Christian missionaries of deception. He called on every citizen to maintain national stability by standing against "evil plans made to play with hearts and minds". Just before the arrests the Supreme Council for Islamic Affairs called on all Maldivians not to listen to a new missionary program being broadcast by Feba radio from the Seychelles in the local language, Dhivehi”.

Feba Radio is a broadcasting network. It is driven by Christian values and was established in 1959 in the UK. Later in 1968 Feba Radio was incorporated as a charity in British Crown's colony, Seychelles. In June 1986, during an international conference in Netherlands, during the ICMC (International Christian Media Convention), with other major Christian broadcasters, Feba entered into the ambitious "World by 2000" commitment to enable everyone to hear about Christianity on the radio in a language that they could understand

Ben is also co-founder and Deputy Chairman of the Conservative Party Human Rights Commission in the UK and during Maumoon's era visited Maldives on a fact-finding mission. Ben also released a report calling for the “immediate and unconditional” release of opposition leader Mohamed Nasheed. After the debatable resignation cum coup of Nasheed, when he was jailed, under the leadership of Ben mass prayers were organised by Christian Solidarity Worldwide to pray for Nasheed. Ben is now lobbying in the international community to pressure the Maldian government to allow Nasheed’s participation in the 2018 elections and the restoration of a full democratic order. Ben is an ardent and passionate writer and has written more articles supporting President Nasheed than any other topic in his life.


During the 17th SAARC Summit, held from 10 to 11 of November 2011 in Addu City, the services, consultation and advise provided by David Hardingham and Benedict Rogers to President Nasheed is highly applaudable.

Another loyal activist of UK Conservative Party and human rights defender based in Sri Lanka is Muheed Jeeran, an expert on international political lobbying and strategist. He also actively trains MDP social media activists. He is also a leading figure in developing strategies to defeat President Yameen and bring an alternative leader friendlier to their cause to power.

Even during President Nasheed’s term a senior delegation of Conservative Party (Tory) members flew to Maldives, to help prepare Nasheed, during the country's first-ever multi-party democratic parliamentary elections.

As described by Ben “President Nasheed’s own long political journey to the presidency began at Dauntsey's”.

President Nasheed is proudly listed as the number 1 saint in Dauntsey’s hall of fame.

To some in Maldives what President Nasheed did is selling Maldives religion and culture, while to some it is upgrading to a fully democratic modern way of life.

President Nasheed said "Dauntsey's old boy and girl network assisted me a lot. Its education has served me well and Britain's private school education has a deserved reputation for excellence".

Note: Please read next articel "Who sold Maldives?" for a better picture. #SaveFaafu

Which countries are interested in Maldives?

Written by: Ali Assad

Take a swim in the pages of recent history of Maldives and drift with time.

Historically, Maldives was a favourite stop-over on the busy marine trade routes & had strategic importance because of its location in the Indian Ocean. Maldivians traded with Arabia, China and India with coconut, coir rope, dried fish, ambergris and above all the precious cowry shell, used throughout Asia and parts of the East African coast as a currency.

For the opportunistic colonial powers, Maldives was an opportunity too good to let go. And during 16th century after many failed attempts Portuguese finally succeeded invading Maldives by defeating the heroic Sultan Ali VI (Ali Rasgefaanu). The brutal reign of the Portuguese continued for 15 years and ultimately decreed that all Maldivians must convert to Christianity or face the same fate as their previously martyred Sultan. This was timely intervened by Maldivian hero Mohammed Thakurufaanu, who started a series of guerrilla raids, culminating in an attack on Male’, in which the Portuguese were defeated and their alcoholic leader Andhiri Andhirin was killed.

Later, in 1752, Malabari pirates from the nearby south Indian Coast yet again seized the Maldivian throne. However, within four short months Maldives regained control under the leadership of the locally renowned Dhon Bandaarain.

In 1857, a settler community of Borah merchants, who were British subjects, arrived in Maldives. They slowly, but firmly gained a foothold in the Maldivian economy – eventually monopolising the smaller and bigger trade interactions. It took more than a century to ban Bora merchants from continuing any trade interactions in the Maldives.

When colonial powers took over much of the trade in the Indian Ocean, first the Portuguese, and then the Dutch, and the French occasionally meddled with the internal politics. Nevertheless, these interferences halted when Maldives became a British Protectorate in the 19th century.

The British colonial ambitions in the Indian Ocean effected Maldives profusely. The prospect of Maldives being under any other colonial power was utterly unacceptable to them.

In an 1887 agreement, the British pledged to protect the Maldives from any foreign aggression while the Maldives in turn agreed not to collaborate with any other foreign power without their consent. Also, the British were also not to interfere with the internal affairs of the Maldives. During the Second World War, the British built a military base in Gan of Addu Atoll and Kelaa of Thiladhunmathi Atoll. The bases were evacuated after the war.

During the British era, which lasted until 1965, Maldives continued to be ruled under a succession of sultans. Britain encouraged the development into a constitutional monarchy, resulting in the first Maldivian Constitution being proclaimed in 1932. Alas, the new arrangements favoured neither the Sultan nor the Chief Minister, but rather a young crop of British-educated reformists. As a result, most locals got fed up with the Constitution and eventually it was publicly torn up.

British interests in the Maldives revived again during the late 1950s. The British were successful, to conclude an unofficial agreement for the lease of Gan in Addu for 100 years at a yearly rent of measly 2000 pounds, which not so surprisingly, considered by many to be a bribed deal. This agreement signed in 1956 provided Gan as an airfield and allowed British to resettle the population to other nearby Islands. It also included the provision of 440,000 square metres on Hithaddoo for a radio installations communication centre for the British.

When Ibrahim Nasir was elected Prime Minister in 1957, he immediately called for a review of the agreement, for the benefit of his people, demanding that the lease be shortened and the annual payment increased.

This was followed by a very timely revolt against the Maldivian government by the inhabitants of the southern atolls of Addu and Huvadhoo, believed to be propagated by the British. As a consequence, a separate government was formed and an independent state declared in the name of 'United Suvadheeb Republic'.

Due to the cunning, strict, and unfaltering diplomacy from Nasir, the Maldivian government got a substantially better deal from the British. That is a 30-year lease period at a rate of 100,000 pounds a year plus 750,000 pounds to finance specific development projects.

To handle the resurrection, Nasir sent gunboats from Male’ and crushed the rebellion in the southern atolls. The leader of the separatist rebellion, Abdullah Afeef, under the protection of the British fled to Seychelles aboard the British warship "HMS Loch Lomond", then a British colony.

Maldives ultimately became completely sovereign and an independent state on 26 July 1965.

The fiercely independent, hardworking and friendly small population of about a hundred thousand Maldivians were able to alter their fate from Diego Garcia, British Palestine which was later turned into Israel or other divisions like India Pakistan.

Note: Please read the next article "Selling or developing Maldives?" for a better understanding of the topic. #SaveFaafu

Monday, February 13, 2017

Written by: Ali Assad

Mr. Mohamed Nasheed has disclosed in an interview given to local newspapers that a coup will happen in Maldives before 2018.

This spectacular revelation only raised more questions. The five W’s, “what”, “who”, “where”, “when” and “why”, were left thirsty for answers.

Nevertheless, it must be sweet music to the ears of thousands of Nasheed’s supporters. Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) has been going through every nook and cranny to find a way to rescue Nasheed from his jail sentence.

Recent announcement by Nasheed to compete for 2018 presidential race has renewed hope among MDP members.

During 2008 presidential elections, Nasheed faced many obstacles and legal hurdles to his candidacy. Chances of him participating in 2013 elections looked even more grim due to the pending charge of kidnapping a Chief Justice. The scenario change from defendant to presidential candidate, when Nasheed was awarded MDP presidential ticket for 2013, widely seen as a defence technique to escape the courts, put heavy international pressure on Dr. Waheed’s government to allow Nasheed to compete. So, what are his chances for 2018?

In 2018, the role change is much bigger, from a convicted kidnapper to a presidential candidate. Many in the international communities has voiced their opinion that the trail is not fair and he should be released. The question of whether the trail is fair or not is debatable but the fact that Nasheed ordered the kidnapping of a serving judge is not. In an interview given to BBC Hardtalk, Nasheed confessed to the crimes and stated if given another chance “I will do it again”.

Like all countries, the constitution of Maldives does not allow the participation of a criminal in a presidential race. Unlike the more diplomatic Dr. Waheed, the incumbent president Yameen’s no-nonsense attitude will be a hindrance for Nasheed to achieve his way. The overthrow of a legitimate government and overriding the constitution looks like the only open option.

To understand the gravity of the situation one needs to walk through the recent history of coups in Maldives.

In 1953 Nasheed’s grandfather Kerefaa Dhon Maniku attempted to assassinate the first democratic president of Maldives, President Ameen Didi.

During 1968 Nasheed’s father Kerefaa Abdul Sattar was convicted for smuggling a pistol to assassinate President Ibrahim Nasir. 

As recent as 1980 Nasheed’s uncle Kerefaa Ahmed Naseem attempted a coup against President Maumoon Abdul Gayyoom. 

The last and bloodiest coup attempt was in 1988, with the help of Nasheed’s in-law Sikka Ahmed Ismail Maniku, another failed coup was attempted against Maumoon, in which 19 innocent Maldivians were slaughtered.

Nasheed has a family history of coups and makes one wonder whether it is hereditary.

Time-lapse of newspaper clippings of Nasheed's interviews shows his evolution from a person who does not want the presidency, to informing the media that he is the only MDP candidate, to advising the opposition political parties that the best option is having one opposition candidate and later dictating that he is the only opposition candidate - spawns a picture of someone with a pervert lust for power.

Nasheed claims in the interview that “before 2018 I will get foreign influence to change the government of Maldives. I am also negotiating with India on this”.

Going back to 1988, the coup attempt was by a group of Maldivians led and assisted by armed mercenaries of a Tamil secessionist organisation from Sri Lanka, the People's Liberation Organisation of Tamil Eelam (PLOTE), to overthrow the legitimate government of Maldives. President Gayoom, which the mercenaries failed to capture, asked for military intervention from India, the United States, and the United Kingdom. Indian Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi immediately dispatched 1,600 troops by air, which helped in failing the coup attempt and capturing the terrorists.

Again, on 7th February 2012, President Nasheed initially requested India to send Indian troops to silence demonstrators calling for his resignation. Indian press reported that Indian officials believed the situation in Maldives was a domestic one and India will not intervene in domestic affairs of a foreign country. After his decision to resign, according to Indian officials, India through discussions with Nasheed, helped to facilitate the transition of power. India was the first country to recognize the new Maldivian government.

Later the CONI (Commission of National Inquiry) report conduct with the support of United Nations and Commonwealth revealed that Nasheed resigned on his own free will. Incredible India’s Prime Minister Manmohan Singh was spot on in making the correct decision.

Will the current Prime Minister of India Narendra Modi be willing to send troops to overthrow a legitimate foreign government? Which countries will be helping Nasheed to bomb Maldives? Will there be only drone attacks or foreign troops send to Maldives? Will Maldives become another Iraq or Syria?

Tomorrow is unimaginable as quoted by president Nasheed “When my party member pesters me for something I will grant that request. But if another party member pesters me, my evilness will be clearly seen. I can do many things with my left hand and right hand. Never think, and none of you can even imagine, the things I will do or not”

Monday, February 6, 2017

Written by: Ali Assad

To some, what happened in Maldives on 7th February 2012 is bigger than the mystery of Kennedy assassination or Loch Ness monster.

For some the reality is as easy as telling blind folded whether the zebra is black with white stripes or white with black stripes -definitely a Coup d’état.

The political quarrels led to the formulation of a Commission of National Inquiry (CONI) with the supervision and backing of United Nations and Commonwealth, which revealed that Mr. Mohamed Nasheed resigned on his own free will.

Rather than dwelling on these contradicting details, following is a time line of what unfolded leading to the power change.

To understand 7th February one has to step back at least a day to walk through the events which led to the demise of Nasheed.

Continuous 22 days of protesting by the opposition had started against the unconstitutional detention of Criminal Court Chief Justice Abdullah Mohamed (Abdullah Ghazee) at Henveiru district, Artificial Beach area of Male’, on the night of 6th February 2012. Also, members of the democratic political party of Maldives MDP had gathered to protest against the protest. Luckily there was no group protesting against the protesters who were protesting the protest. If there were it would have made a great tongue twister.

A blue line of police separated the verbally volatile crowd of demonstrators throwing verbal obscenities at each other. One side the opposition and on the other side the governing party members, which the opposition claimed were more comfortable to demonstrate then run the government.

The circumstances that made this night extraordinary began when the sandwiched police force suddenly started to leave the scene. As expected both the crowds advanced towards each other and the situation escalated dangerously towards a fight. Immediately the police made a detour of their departure and intervened, both parties were pushed back without any bloodshed.

Most people in the crowd were unaware that this was just the “starters” and “main course” was on its way.

The night turned more dramatic when around more than 5 military trucks plus a huge force of military personnel carrying shields and in riot gear marched into the scene. It was unbelievable that the Commander in Chief has sent a small army to control a crowd being handled by a handful of police officers.

Hesitantly the small police force left, escorted by loud cheers from the MDP protesters, while the bewildered opposition protesters were mainly silenced by the new eerie development.

What followed left most opposition supporters in disbelief and disheartened but gave MDP supporters plenty of fuel to jeer at their rivals. The Maldivian army deserted the place, leaving a rattled angry mob of about thousand Maldivian citizens to settle their disputes by their knuckles.

As soon as the dust from the departing army settled, the now loudly cheering MDP protesters, a much younger masculine force, started slowly advancing to face their inferior foe.

Before the battle, the crowds moved as close as five feet apart and without much fanfare fighting ignited suddenly with stones being thrown at each other. To everyone’s surprise, literally every stone thrown by MDP was met by a hail storm of stones by the opposition crowd. This was due to the lucky advantage of an unlimited supply of stones from a demolished house adjacent to Artificial Beach, right next to the side of the opposition demonstrators.

MDP’s strong muscular force was kept at bay, and can be seen painstakingly going to the beach area in search of stones but literally the only ones they could find were the ones thrown at them by their enemy. Surely if the fight had started with bare fists, opposition crowd would have received a bloody defeat with the possibility of a couple of deaths. The tides had turned and it was just a hail storm of stones that neither was winning.

The same week after his debatable resignation cum coup, Nasheed confessed in an interview aired by pro MDP channel RajjeTV, that it was under his orders that the police were removed from the scene and he also directly ordered the military to retreat from Artificial Beach.

Not sure how many minutes passed in these barbaric stone transactions – maybe 10 or 20 minutes.

Unexpectedly the strained chain of command snapped, the removed police force, disobeying their orders, rushed back to the scene to stop the fighting. Rushed back to their sworn duty, to protect and serve the people. This was the catalyst required for the retreated armed forces to stop watching the fighting from afar and intervene to end it.

Due to this event Nasheed ordered the police force to remain in the Republic Square (Jumhooreemaidhaan), right next to their headquarters. MNDF was ordered to cordon the area around this. It was a volatile cocktail for disaster that Nasheed was preparing for himself.

Other events unfolding concurrently includes, infuriated MDP supporters attacking and torching VTV (Villa T V station). After this opposition supporters threw a petrol bomb at Megachip (a business associated with a MDP MP). It was Tom and Jerry warfare, in the capital city, while Nasheed kept deadlocked the country’s security forces in an awkward stalemate.

Inevitably things calmed to a less volatile atmosphere near early morning by the time for the call of morning prayers. Most opposition demonstrators left the scene to pray at the mosque. There was hope dawning on a new day for Nasheed.

When the crowd thinned, Nasheed ordered the military to pull back to the gate area, in front of MNDF headquarters. What followed was a group of armed MDP supporters, with sticks and iron pipes attacking the thinned crowd of opposition protesters now stationed near Maldives Monetary Authority (MMA), near Republic Square.

The soldiers were shackled by Nasheed’s orders and the police force was detained in the middle of Republic Square, when the fight unfolded.

The fight was short, with a few casualties from both sides and none was life threatening.

However, this must have been an epic movement in demoralizing the MNDF as the attack could be clearly perceived as one orchestrated by Nasheed, as this came right after MNDF was unnecessarily ordered back from cordoning the area.

After this the opposition was seen arming themselves with pipes and rocks taken by damaging a nearby fence, temporary erected by the city council controlled by MDP. This fence was widely believed to be erected by city council to stop opposition from protesting in that area, as previous protest had taken place in this area and only after the fence was build, they were forced to protest in artificial beach area.

By morning the atmosphere can be best described as calm. Both the crowds, opposition and MDP were protesting less than hundred feet apart, only hurling verbal obscenities at each other. Opposition near MMA and almost in the next block near Reefside shop, MDP protesters were gathered. It was comical that both groups were seen enjoying morning tea in a café (Metro Café’), right in the middle.

It was during this time period that Nasheed had marched into Republic Square and met the detained and now protesting police force. He demanded that the police force hand themselves up to MNDF. The meeting did not go well and the police force clearly did not want to heed to his demands.

After this an enraged Nasheed was seen in videos leaving and entering MNDF headquarters. A while later, MP Mariya Didi leading the MDP crowd marched into Republic Square, demanding to arrest the police. This was immediately followed by a stronger opposition crowd, now armed with pipes and rocks, which quickly escalated into a fight, also some police officers joined, eventually chasing the MDP crowd from the area.

From a leaked video Nasheed can be seen ordering MNDF officers to immediately go out and arrest the police force as they had attacked Mariya.

What followed next must have been the tipping point of no return for Nasheed’s term in office. Armed forces immediately started shooting tear gas canisters and rubber bullets at the police forces and opposition crowd. The ferocity of the attack was so high that one standing near MMA could not see the multi-story police building (Shaheed Hussain Adam Building) due to the heavy extent of tear gas.

Unluckily for Nasheed, the winds on that day blew most of the gas back onto MNDF headquarters and also schools in the center of Male were effected.

The attack only rattled the opposition and police forces, who were now throwing stones at MNDF headquarters. MNDF forces were forced to retreated back into their headquarters.

Calls for the release of Judge Abdullah Ghazee changed to louds roars for Nasheed’s resignation.

The mess Nasheed had created resembled a drunk out on a limb with a chainsaw.

Later rumors of his resignation flooded the crowd and that afternoon Nasheed met his cabinet in the President’s office and gave his resignation speech in front of the media.

And the very next day – you know what unfolded.

“There are some who advocate for democracy only when they are out of power. Once in power, they are ruthless in suppressing the rights of others.” President Obama

Sunday, January 29, 2017

Does the Maldivian government have to release Colonel Nazim?

Written by: Mohamed Abdullah

The UNHRC Working Group on Arbitrary Detention (WGAD) has given the recommendation to release Colonel (Rtd.) Nazim.

Is this binding on the government of Maldives and does the constitution of Maldives allow such actions?

Undoubtedly, the WGAD can only give recommendations, it does not have the authority to go above the Maldivian constitution.

Even in Julian Assange case the UK Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs, Philip Hammond, rejected the group verdict and called the group's claims irrelevant stating that the finding is not binding on British law.

Former two presidents of Maldives have also called for his release but it can only be viewed as an act against the Maldivian constitution and a disrespectful action towards its citizen’s. The sincerity of the act is highly questionable. Former president Nasheed is in hiding after fleeing from a jail sentence and has a vested interest in the situation. The release of one prisoner is an opportunity for all. Former president Maumoon is fighting a popularity contest with his half-brother, the incumbent president Yameen. The popularity achieved by President Yameen during his short term in office is enormous and increasing.

This can also be seen as a desperate attempt by President Maumoon, who have allegedly accepted bribes from President Nasheed to overthrow the current President Yameen, to actually release President Nasheed, as WGAD have given a similar recommendation to release President Nasheed.

Such irresponsible calls only open doors for foreign intervention in our affairs and the constitution does not allow the release of prisoners jailed after due legal process.

A closure scrutiny on the findings of WGAD reveal many flaws and factual errors.

WGAD claims that the state did not prove that the gun in Nazim’s possession belonged to him. Nazim was charged with a strict liability crime, due to the serious nature of the crime, under this law the burden of proof is with the defendant. All jurisdictions have prescribed offenses of strict liability in order to fight certain kinds of criminal offences, and these crimes in many states include possession of firearms, among offenses such as narcotic drugs. In case of strict liability offenses, the legal principal universally accepted and applied in democratic societies throughout the world is that, once the objective element of the crime is proven against the accused by the prosecution, there is no need to prove the mental element.

Possession of firearms was prescribed as a strict liability crime by Law Number 4/75 in the Maldives in 1955, with Section 9 of the Law specifically stating that once a person is found in possession of a firearm, the onus of proving how it came to be in his possession, so as to avert criminal liability is upon him.

Even in Singapore if someone is arrested for drug trafficking, the burden of proof shifts to the defendant, the prosecutor does not have to prove whether the drugs in the bag are the defendant’s drugs.

Hundreds of persons have been prosecuted under the above-mentioned law in the Maldives since the year 1955, and judges have uniformly and consistently held accused individuals guilty upon establishment of the objective element of the crime by the prosecution, without the need for the prosecution to prove the mental element. In the case of Colonel Nazim, the prosecution proved that Colonel Nazim had firearms in his possession, and though the chance was given, Colonel Nazim and his attorneys were unable to justify that possession before the court.

It is clear that Colonel Nazim was treated in accord with the principles relating to strict liability offenses, and that his case was handled by the judges in the same way cases of strict liability offenses had been handled by the Maldives Judiciary since 1955. The WGAD has not shown why the case of Colonel Nazim should be an exception. In fact, the WGAD demand to make an exception for Colonel Nazim is nothing but a call for the Maldivian Judiciary to treat people differently and to undermine the law.

Another claim made by WGAD is that the former Defence Minister Nazim is a political opponent. However, when he was arrested and charged for possession of fire arms, he was the Defence Minister of President Yameen’s cabinet, the most trusted position in the Cabinet.

WGAD has requested to visit Maldives to further investigate the case but the irony is they could have done this before releasing a factually flawed report.

According to the group the main reason for judicial system failures in Maldives is because of the sudden and quick change to the new constitution in 2008. The WGAD ‘s report acknowledges that time, education and a good management system is required to address the shortcomings of the Judiciary. There is no role or failures of the current administration in it. Rather, the failure is mostly on the part of President Nasheed, who did not bother to enact much needed laws, regulations and increase resources to address the limitations of the Judiciary’s well-functioning.

The current Supreme Court bench of Maldives consists of well-educated and capable judges, comparable to the best in Asia region. However, the government acknowledges that every judge in lower courts may not have a degree and the government is fully committed in addressing these issues.

Understandably it takes time to train people - the judiciary cannot be overhauled overnight.

So, the big question is “who is in violation of the law”?

Undoubtedly, WGAD’s attack on the Maldivian Judiciary can be clearly seen as a fragrant violation of the sovereign rights of an independent State which is a member of the UNO, in disregard of the UN Charter. The WGAD has no authority to interfere and intervene in the judicial systems of UN member states, and to express unfounded opinions on the judgments of the courts in those states. Independence of the Judiciary is a principle recognized by the UNO
and attempts by bodies such as WGAD to interfere with decisions of the courts of Maldives would be considered as nothing but acts of intimidation against small countries such as Maldives.